Welcome to Red Room Poetry

  • 22+ Projects
  • 22,000 Poems
  • 10 Things
  • 22 Other things
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Browse our projects

  • Red_Room_Poetry-Poetry_Object_competition-girl_holding_teeth_ynbfCpA.png

    Poetry Object

    Poetry Object is Australasia’s largest free poetry-writing competition for young people and their teachers.
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    Red Room Poetry Fellowship

    The Fellowship is an annual residency program recognising the achievements and artistic goals of contemporary Australian poets.
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    New Shoots: Garden of Poems

    Poems inspired by plants to deepen our creative and cultural connections with nature.
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    Writing Water: Rain, River, Reef

    Writing Water: Rain, River, Reef project joins celebrated poets and public submissions to look below the surface and reimagine our essential relationships with water.

Exploding text.