2017 Shortlist Announced - Red Room Poetry Fellowship

In roots of the ribbon gum
metaphor moves like spores
~ from GROUNDS by Bonny Cassidy


Red Room Poetry Fellowship Shortlist released!

The shortlist contains ten passionate, creative, and inspired individuals who clearly demonstrated their connection with language, imagination, and collaboration. This shortlist epitomises the mission of Red Room Poetry - to create poetic programs that make poetry accessible to all, with values of invention, quality, care and diversity.

 “We are delighted with the flourish of submissions we received for this first year of our Fellowship. The shortlist is a shining reflection on the high calibre of the creative individuals that we have worked with since our beginning in 2003.”

~ Dr Tamryn Bennett,  Artistic Director, Red Room Poetry.

The Red Room Poetry Fellow will be announced on 19 May 2017.



The Shortlist

in alphabetical order

Picture of Elizabeth  Allen

Ms Elizabeth Allen
Elizabeth Allen lives in Sydney where she writes and works as a bookseller. Her poetry and short fiction has appeared in many major literary journals as well as in the Best Australian Poems 2012 and 2014. She is the author of a chapbook, Forgetful... read more »

Picture of Ivy   Alvarez

Ms Ivy Alvarez
Ivy Alvarez is the author ofDisturbance (Wales: Seren Books, 2013) and Mortal (2006). Her shorter collections include The Everyday English Dictionary(London: Paekakariki Press, 2016) and Hollywood Starlet (Chicago: dancing girl press... read more »

Picture of Nandi Chinna

Dr Nandi Chinna
Nandi Chinna is a research consultant and poet based in Perth, Western Australia. Her professional and artistic interests include Ecological Humanities, Biophilia, Social History and Intangible Cultural Heritage, and the connections... read more »

Picture of Ali Cobby Eckermann

Ms Ali Cobby Eckermann
Ali Cobby Eckermann is a Yankunytjatjara / Kokatha kunga (woman) born on Kaurna land in 1963. Ali was awarded the Windham-Campbell Prize from Yale University in 2017. Her first book of poetry little bit long time was published by the Australian Poetry... read more »

Picture of Stuart  Cooke

Dr Stuart Cooke
Stuart Cooke lives on the Gold Coast, where he lectures in creative writing and literary studies at Griffith University. He has published collections of poetry, criticism and translation. His latest book, Opera, was published by Five Islands Press in... read more »

Picture of Michael  Farrell

Dr Michael Farrell
Michael Farrell has published several books of poetry as well as chapbooks. Cocky's Joy, shortlisted for the Prime Minister's Award for Poetry in 2016, is his first book available on iTunes. He co-edited an anthology of Australian gay and lesbian poets... read more »

Picture of Toby  Fitch

Mr Toby Fitch
Toby Fitch is poetry editor of Overland and program director for the Australian Poets’ Festival. He also works as a bookseller at Gleebooks, a teacher of creative writing at the University of Sydney, and runs the Sappho Books poetry night... read more »

Picture of Zenobia Frost

Ms Zenobia Frost
Zenobia Frost is a Brisbane-based writer whose work has appeared inOverland, Cordite, The Lifted Brow, Scum, and the Hunter Anthology of Contemporary Feminist Poetry. She is presently a Master’s candidate at QUT, researching placemaking in suburban ... read more »

Picture of Bella  Li

Ms Bella Li
Bella Li is the author of Maps, Cargo (Vagabond Press, 2013), shortlisted for the Wesley Michel Wright Prize, and Argosy (Vagabond Press, 2017)—a book of poetry, photography and collage. She is a managing co-editor at Five Islands Press... read more »

Picture of Kent MacCarter

Mr Kent MacCarter
Kent MacCarter (Director, Managing Editor, Publisher, Site Design) is a writer and editor who lives in Castlemaine, with his wife and son. He holds an MA in English with a focus on Creative Writing from University of Melbourne. His publishing career... read more »


The Red Room Poetry Fellowship is made possible with support from generous philanthropists.


The 2017 Longlist

You can also view our 2017 Longlist for the Red Room Poetry Fellowship. In this longlist, we share each name with a sample of their poetry from a Red Room project that they worked on. Read more »


About the Fellowship

The inaugural Red Room Poetry Fellowship recognises the achievements and artistic goals of contemporary Australian poets. The Fellowship has been established to foster the poetic and professional development of an individual within the wider poetic community. It encourages poets to undertake an intensive period of creative development involving a range of commissions, residency, recordings and publication outcomes.

The successful Fellow will receive:

  • $5000 poetic stipend “no strings”
  • $1000 commission to create a suite of poems inspired by an existing Red Room project
  • a two-week residency at Bundanon Trust
  • Travel assistance
  • Paid professional employment (delivering up to 4 x poetic workshops)
  • Opportunity to present a public address during the year-long Fellowship
  • Highly visible publication of commissioned poem(s) on public transport
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