Abbotsleigh Schools for Girls was one of the first schools to work with the new Toilet Doors learning resource in the Red Room Education program. Year 9 students from across General and GAT English classes met with poet Anna Kerdijk Nicholson for the second time.  Kerdijk Nicholson made her first visit in late August; and in September she held an online workshop with a core group of students.  In November, an "Avid Poetry Group", drawn from different social and class circles within the year, responded to Macquarie Fields High School's "epic poem" to create a new collaborative work.  Kerdijk Nicholson guided the process, which was read by the Avid girls to their peers and families at a "Celebrating Year 9" service.  

The students loosely interpreted the Toilet Doors poem poster concept by creating posters of their work illustrated by fellow students, allowing collaborative response and exchange to take place.  The students created a Powerpoint text and graphic version of their poems for presentation to the school, and posters of selected poems were exhibited for the local community at Next Chapter Books in Wahroonga in October 2009.

The collaborative epic poem was created by alternating lines posted by each school on their shared blog, with Kerdijk Nicholson and Lachlan Brown helping to shape the work through a virtual conference.