Year 10 students at All Saints Grammar Belmore are the first students in Australia to engage with activities from the new learning resource that accompanies The Disappearing, The Red Room Company's major public poetry project for 2012. Poet Fiona Wright and Education Director Tony Britten led this workshop as part of the school's inaugural Enrichment Week.

Year 10 produced group poems in response to an image of the ghost town of Farina in South Australia and presented a collective spell to be whispered in a car park at night that would make their school disappear. They also worked on drafts of a poem about a public place that will be featured on the The Disappearing app. 

Year 8 students also completed an Enrichment Week workshop and composed poems about special objects using activities from the Cabinet of Lost and Found learning resource. They composed group poems in response to an image of Albrecht Durer's woodcut of a rhinoceros (see if you can spot as many of the mistakes made by Durer as the boys and girls at All Saints Grammar Belmore). The students worked on drafts of poems about special objects that were imbued with their connections to school, family, clubs and faith. Special objects included ballet shoes, mobile phones, jewellery and religious medals.

Fiona also composed a poem for the school, ‘The Astronomer’, which can be found on the Red Room website (or read in playlist above).

Click here to view student poems