Poet Eileen Chong visited Hornsby Girls' High School in June, 2013 to work with 120 Year 7 students. After an introductory session, students completed two workshops with Eileen to compose and publish poems for The Disappearing app, in conjunction with their own special unit of work, 'Quirky Characters'. You can read student poems on The Disappearing app by searching Sydney, Hornsby Girls' High School. 

Students completed a range of activities, from dramatic monologues (read monologues from classes 7T, 7X, 7Q and 7K here) to poems that respond to Joannes Vermeer's 'Girl with a Pirl Earring' (read poems from classes 7T, 7X, 7Q and 7K here).

Eileen also composed a poem for the school, ‘My own Lucy’, available on the app and the Red Room website (or view above in playlist).