On June 7th, Red Room Poetry partnered with the NSW Premier's Reading Challenge to deliver an Indigenous Storytelling workshop to over 10,000 students from 140 NSW schools.

The webcast is now available on YouTube

The virtual workshop, led by proud Yuin poet, Kirli Saunders connected students to Red Room’s Poetry Object and encouraged sharing through poetry and stories about most treasured belongings. Poems from the workshop are published on the Red Room Poetry website and will go in the running to be printed on trains. 

A note from Kirli Saunders:

Thanks to the 10,000 students from 140 schools and to our YouTube viewers who tuned into the NSW Premier's Reading Challenge Bookfest - Indigenous Story Telling session.

We can't wait to see your poems and publish them on our website. If you would like to book at workshop at your school, or know more about Poetry Object please explore our website or send us an email at education@redroomcompany.org