Read The Sydney Morning Herald article about this specially devised Red Room Education project 

In August 2011 Red Room Education was invited to the Library at Marrickville High School to conduct two separate one-day poetry workshops. Australian poet Dr. Lindsay Tuggle and former Education Director Tony Britten worked mainly with Years 9 and 10, but also with students in Year 11, the integration program and the Intensive English Centre.

Students composed guerrilla poetry inspired by The Red Room Company’s Toilet Doors public poetry project. Most participants composed up to five poems each. These included NOTICE poems, Blackout poetry, News- paper Collage poems and Army Poem Dudes. This project was a significant opportunity to pilot new resources and approaches and we are immensely grateful to the participants for the energy, creativity and sense of community they brought to the Red Room Education experience.


A special launch of poems and artworks produced during the workshops was held in  the Library on Monday 2 April 2012. Members of the Board of The Red Room Company, the Mayor of Marrickville Morris Hanna OAM and our Patron John B. Fairfax AO were among those in attendance to see students read their poems and unveil the art works inspired by their composing.


Teacher Librarian Ms. Angela Rega edited and produced a stunning publication of student poems and photographs for the launch.

Poet Lindsay Tuggle read Still Lives, her commissioned Red Room Education poem, as part of the proceedings of the launch.

Click here to view student poems 

Poems | Still Lives