Red Room Education poet Eileen Chong taught 4 classes a day, with a mix of 10, 12 and 14 year old boys and girls, across 4 days. The learning resource, Toilet Doors, which focuses on guerrilla poetry, really resonated with the kids. The Year 9 students have been studying guerrilla poetry in their English classes so Eileen felt it was exciting to tap into their existing knowledge and to see their enthusiasm for the writing activity.

"Blackout poetry is a great activity for kids of any age," says Eileen. "Some of the teachers got in on the action too and surprised themselves with how much fun they were having! What I love most about this activity is how freeing it is: 'a poem is discovered in play' indeed. And the results can be very moving, unexpected and funny, surprising with their wisdom and inventiveness."

She also composed a poem for the school, ‘After the Wreck’, which is published on the Red Room website (and in playlist above). 

Poems | After the Wreck