As part of a special collaboration with Bundanon Trust, Red Room Poetry Education poet Tim Sinclair spent from October 14th-28th in residence working with students from Shoalhaven, Bombaderry, Nowra High Schools and the YWCA. Students explored different sites at Bundanon, composing and publishing poems that responded to themes of The Disappearing. These included the creation of ephemeral poems on leaves and in river sand, and theme poems published on The Disappearing app. 

Tim Sinclair composed a poem for the schools, titled ‘Health Department FactSheet No.67(a)’, available on the app, and the Red Room website (or view above in playlist). He has worked a number of projects with Red Room before and his educational prowess is clearly exhibited as he brings out the poetic abilities of these young students. With impressive restraint these students produced work that displays a remarkable talent at wielding metaphor, lyricism and, at times, humour.

Read their poems below:
Shoalhaven HS - Activity poems
Shoalhaven HS - Disappearing poems 

Nowra HS - Activity Poems
Nowra HS - Disappearing poems

Bomaderry HS - Activity poems
Bomaderry HS - Disappearing poems