This full day workshop was led by Candy Royalle and former Education Director, Tony Britten.

The participants ranged from 14-21 years of age and came from the Blue Mountains, Western Sydney and the Inner West to attend.

Candy shared her experiences and understanding of performance poetry, which included warm up techniques such as tongue twisters. Opinions were mixed about whether it is harder to say " How can a clam cram in a clean clam can?" or "Sheena needs. Sheila needs"!

The participants were delighted to experience a special performance of her recent work at the start and conclusion of the workshop. Candy also generously gave each of the participants a copy of her new CD, Stories by Starlight.

The culmination of the day was the composing and performance of a group poem that emerged fro the participants' responses to the new Sydney Mardis Gras Logo. Their poem, entitled, Love Army, will be part of the Youth Hub performances at Fair Day on 12 February 2012. Candy Royalle will join the participants also perform 'Love Army 2.0', her commissioned poem for this project. 

A CD will be pressed by The Red Room Company to celebrate this collaboration with The Sydney Mardis Gras. Tracks will include the performance by participants at the workshop and at Fair Day and a recording of the performance poem commissioned from Candy Royalle for the project. Candy's commission is a response to the group poem produced by the participants and is entitled 'Love Army 2.0'.

Our particular thanks to the wonderful staff at Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre for being such warm and generous hosts to the event. Thanks also to Liza Bahomondes, Executive and Production Assistant with Sydney Mardis Gras, for her enthusiasm and support.

You can read a review of the workshop from one of the participants here.

Poems | love army 2.0