"The whole universe is in your tiny mouth"

So, it was the end of summer in the northern hemisphere, I had just turned 21 and was about to move to Australia for my professional training year. New beginnings on the other side of the world, in “the land down under”! Expectations? Sky. High. Moving from Cyprus to Sydney is not only a big move; it’s a long flight! But nothing really prepared me for what I have experienced here since my arrival. Landing a position as a Project Assistant at The Red Room Company has been a game changer for me, both professionally and personally. I can confidently say it has somehow put life into perspective (however cliché).

I always felt that we immerse ourselves in daily routines, believing we can refrain from being utterly consumed in the system, when sadly we are gradually becoming the system itself. And then, a company like Red Room comes up on my Google search, offering me an alternative.

I have been at The Red Room Company for three weeks and I am more inspired than ever. First day in and I stumble upon this quote from a Year six student, ‘the whole universe is in your tiny mouth’. A few days later, I come across this; ‘before the fire of money burned my happiness’, again written by a Year 6 student. So along with constantly pinching myself, amazed that I have actually made it and am now settled into my new role and new city, I have this constant ‘buzzing’, excited to work on as many projects as I possibly can, before my placement time here ends. 

I have so far worked on the Unlocked project, ensuring that the amazing job the company and our collaborators do is worthily presented for the world to see! This entails proofreading, content writing and uploading everything on the website, all of which suddenly becomes exciting when the project itself means so much! The same goes with The Disappearing. Working on the new update for our poetry app has allowed me to get creative and imaginative, dreaming about where we can take it from here. And finally, Lyrikline has got me looking forward to my final year at university! – It’s amazing how I landed at a company that created a project connected to the idea of lost in translation, an idea that happens to be the theme of my Honours thesis!

So far my time at The Red Room Company can be clearly deemed a success – if the excessive use of exclamation marks in this blog post is anything to judge by!