Summoning The River Snake
By Fiona BrittonClick here to read the full poem in the poet's original format.
Summoning the river snake: a death journey in five parts
… in which the poet Dorothy Porter summons her muse and death messenger, a snake, and makes a final journey. -
By Judith RodriguezPlace holds the people. They wander, making a life – place is inside them,
staking its claims, reserving its treasures.
What place? Maybe the space by a mother, between her bed and the wall. Or the backyards of a childhood. It may be an endless plain with its secrets for living.
For Oodgeroo, the green island in the se… -
Old Ghost Dogs
By Sam Wagan Watson“Some things are beyond talking.
Not the mind, not emotions,
words will always come for them.
Perhaps the mind lives in this barrier -
Snow Like Wool, Frost Like Ashes
By Jakob ZigurasFor Stanisław Barańczak
Snow is false purity.
—J.W. von Goethe -
Song for Silence
By Renee Pettitt-SchippSilence is the rock where I shall stand.
Oh, when I strike it with my hand
may the artesian waters spring
from that source I long to find. -
Maya Angelou
By Abe NoukThe world is a mixture of everybody, everywhere
and she was a child and shall remain so
in the eyes of those who came before her
it matters not where from to make us feel -
Last Drinks
By Aden Rolfe‘Your vocation calls
& you answer it’
John Forbes, ‘Pacific’
By Judith RodriguezAmity
A ship under sail: a sighting: a sandy beach
offers its point to the neighbour island, offers
a watering place. A safe station, on the way -
By Sam Wagan WatsonFor Martin Harrison
“I sing the joy of wandering
and the pleasure of the wandering death …”
Guillaume Apollinaire -
By Celestine RowePower to the struggle, whatever that may be
Whatever you’re feeling, rise higher
Give it all you got ‘cause you’re stronger
No matter what life throws at ya -
Tiger on the Beach
By Renee Pettitt-SchippWe round the point, run
into the plate-glass shock
of your presence.
Who designed -
The Dark Clearing
By Judith RodriguezHere is the shady clearing
of honour and farewell,
here the Noonuccal, neighbours,
and visitors off the ferry. -
For The Young
By Celestine RoweIt’s time for our young people to rise
Take the fight laid before us
Let’s rise to the challenges
We fight against depression, oppression, suicide -
From The Other Side
By Judith RodriguezThe dead do not stay dead. There’s your Dad
teaching kids still in the voice of Oodgeroo;
for punishment, putting the kids on cut and dried
mission rations – that’s unsurprising news -
By Renee Pettitt-SchippI will not close I will not let
so much as one petal curl
as long as this light can reach me.
So long as the clear -
By Renee Pettitt-Schippunblinking eye
looking out toward forever
the birdbath is reflective
high on stand -
Redwood Plantation, Otways National Park
By Melody PalomaPoem after Jennifer Rankin
Things seem cut up here, clipped up in straight lines, divided on/by the
ground: -
Fitzroy Commission Flats
By Melody PalomaPoem after Jennifer Rankin
can’t catch how the light hits the flats, at seven PM in early summer,
my iPhone camera never gets it right:
bedroom wall cracked open -
Ballad at Manifold's
By Judith RodriguezI remember you, Kath, the quiet woman
sat with Kate on a bench at Manifolds’:
our mandolines. Those Saturdays, the Wynnum
river-flats, a hawk circling, the ballads scored -
This City
By Celestine RoweI love this city
Creativeness, words, they flow
From the gutters to the tips of high rise buildings
Artistic alleyways