Jessica Santosa
Jessica Santosa is the founder of Freshly Baked Poetry and the Weekly Comfort Blog, but is better known for sending annoying subliminal messages through neurological metaphors. She has worked with Word Travels, The Red Room Company and WestWords as a Poetry Educator. A Social Worker and 2012 National Australian Poetry Slam (APS) Finalist, Jessica regularly "Teaches & Features" around the NSW slam scene, combining her love for personal development and creative writing in her rhythmically conversational performances.
Jessica is also Co-Founder of Sydney's Three Poets Speak with 2015 National APS Champion Philip Wilcox, showcasing the best of Australian and International Spoken Word Poetry. She has shared the stage with Joel McKerrow, Luka Lesson and Zohab Khan and has performed at a handful of national arts festivals. Whether teaching poetry workshops, writing custom poetry for weddings you can catch Jess's latest on Freshly Baked Poetry's Instagram.
She will be releasing her debut book of poetry "The First Batch of Brutal Honesty" in June 2016, and her slightly poetic non-fiction book "Intimacy: Don't Die Alone in Your Apartment" in Dec 2016. Check out her website on www.jessica-santosa.com.