Lillian Rodrigues-Pang is an internationally acclaimed, award winning storyteller. Her performances intertwin the oral tradition with percussion, movement and improvisation to captivate and transport audiences. She has performed in Peru, Colombia, Barcelona, Singapore, Malaysia, Iran, Kenya, in North America and on Australian main-stages, theatres, at schools and in community groups settings.
When she is not on stage she is sharing story love in the community as a connective, teaching and healing art. She has over 20 years experience working in mental health and longer living with mental illness in her family and personally which has fostered a deep belief in the creative as a path to wellness. Lilli has worked in recovery centres, in schools, with refugee communities and youth at risk using storytelling to connect communities, create a stronger sense of self and as a gift for all occasions. In 2020 she is director and presenter of the multilingual storytelling festival in NSW called Southern Skies.
