Rozanna Lilley is an author and an academic. She has published essays and poetry in newspapers, literary journals and edited collections, including Best Australian Essays 2013 and 2014 and Best Australian Poems 2015. Her first book, Staging Hong Kong: Gender and Performance in Transition (University of Hawai'i Press, 1998) was a study of an avant-garde theatre company.  Her second book, Do Oysters Get Bored? A Curious Life (UWA Publishing, 2018), is a hybrid memoir. It was shortlisted for the National Biography Award in 2019. A new collection of her poems titled The Lady in the Bottle, a homage to the 1960s TV series ‘I Dream of Jeannie’, is being published by Eyewear in the UK in 2021. She is currently a research fellow in autism at Macquarie University where she is working on a number of different projects, including the first research on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experiences of autism.


Poetic reflections

Conveying a sense of magic in the everyday – Past/Present Pets – Rozanna Lilley