Ali Cobby Eckermann’s first collection little bit long time was written in the desert and launched her literary career in 2009. In 2013 Ali toured Ireland as Aust. Poetry Ambassador and won the Kenneth Slessor Prize for Poetry and Book Of The Year (NSW) for Ruby Moonlight, a massacre verse novel. In 2014 Ali was the inaugural recipient of the Tungkunungka Pintyanthi Fellowship at Adelaide Writers Week, and the first Aboriginal Australian writer to attend the International Writing Program at University of Iowa. In 2017 Ali received a Windham Campbell Award for Poetry from Yale University USA.




Ali Cobby Eckermann Dyllwynia Unlocked 2012

(I Am) A Line In The Sand

a kangaroo is in the sky


Ali Cobby Eckermann reads 'The Extinction of Kindness'

Ali Cobby Eckermann reads 'The Extinction of Us'

Ali Cobby Eckermann reads 'The Abyss of an Apology in Australia'

Ali Cobby Eckermann reads 'It's Just So Wrong'

Ali Cobby Eckermann reads 'Wind Song Lament'