Ali Jane Smith
Ali Jane Smith is the author of the chapbook Gala, published as part of the Five Islands Press New Poets Program 2006. Since then, her poetry has been widely published in literary journals. Ali Jane Smith has also written reviews and essays for The Australian, Australian Poetry Journal, Cordite, Mascara Literary Review, Southerly, and Sydney Review of Books. Thanks to a small grant from Wollongong City Council she is currently working on a poem about the experience of ‘staying home’ in Wollongong and is also at work on a series of poems about Lake Illawarra supported by Create NSW. In 2016, she received funding from CultureBank to write a series of poems about Illawarra bus routes and was selected in the inaugural Copyright Agency-Sydney Review of Books Emerging Critics Program. For links to other projects and critical writing, please visit https://alijanesmith.wordpress.com.