Idir Oispidéal Galair agus Teach na mBocht
By Anne Casey
Published 30 January 2023
Idir Oispidéal Galair agus Teach na mBocht Púca beag in airde, scamall bog bán sáinnithe i mbarróg fholamh an chrainn gheimhriúil a’ casadh, ‘casadh ar an ngaoth aniar aduaidh⎯ a’ casadh, ‘casadh a’ glaoch sa ghaoth gan trua d’achainí gan freagra Scréacha sna craobhacha, grága na bpréachán a’ baint macalla as do screadaíl chráite: Cá, Cá, Cá Cá bhfuil tú? a’ casadh, ‘ casadh: macalla na bpréachán a’ sníomh is a’ corraí faoi sholas geal-liath na spéire, galóg móna dóite fadálach san aer. Púca beag in airde, scamall bog bán ag tarraingt, ‘ tarraingt i gcoinne bharróg fholamh an chrainn gheimhriúil⎯ a’ glaoch sa ghaoth gan trua d'achainí gan freagra: Cá, Cá, Cá Cá bhfuil tú, a Mhamaí? Tar ar ais dom, a Mhamaí Tar ar ais (Cill Rois, Luan Cásca 2022) |
Between the Fever Hospital and the Poorhouse Little ghost on high, soft white cloud caught in the empty embrace of the wintering tree Turning, turning on the northwesterly wind⎯ turning, turning calling on the bitter wind your unanswered entreaties. Screeches in the branches, cawing of the crows echoing your desolate cries: Cá, Cá, Cá Where, where, where are you? Turning, turning: echoes of the crows weaving and twisting in the silver light, a trace of turf-smoke lingering in the air. Little ghost on high, soft white cloud pulling, pulling against the empty embrace of the wintering tree⎯ calling on the bitter wind your unanswered entreaties: Cá, Cá, Cá Where, where, where are you Mammy? Come back for me Mammy Come back (Kilrush, Easter Monday 2022) |
Read Anne's introduction to the poem here.