Berndt Sellheim
Berndt Sellheim is a poet, novelist and academic. He has taught creative writing and poetics at UTS, and lectured in philosophy at Macquarie University, where he completed a doctorate in phenomenology in 2008. His academic research includes a year at the Husserl Archive and Paris4 Sorbonne. For six years Berndt curated The Loft Readings, a Sydney-based poetry series funded by the Australia Council for the Arts. His work has been published in periodicals and collections such as Meanjin, Heat, Liminal Pleasures (USA), Overland, Best Australian Poems, Cutwater, Eyeline Contemporary Arts Journal and The Journal for the British Society of Phenomenology. His first novel, BEYOND THE FRAME’S EDGE, was published by Harper Collins Fourth Estate in 2013. He has recently completed his first collection of poems. His second novel is due for publication in 2016.