Not far now

Coupla hours

Can’t go soon enough for me

Jeeze I’m tired

Wouldn’t mind a drink or something to kick me along

A pill?

No…not now

Steppin’ out like  a show-pony already


Not far now

Coupla hours

Doing it legal too…that’s a bloody switch

Jeeze me back aches

The old cot’s gunna feel good tonight

Maybe a good soak in the tub first

Yeah…good soak

Coupla coldies


Not far now

Coupla hours

Home soon

Watch a bit of telly with the missus

She’ll rave on about shopping

And her mum rang up

And mum said this, and the missus said that and her bloody mum

Said so an’ so and the bloody kids are fighting over the telly

And a man’ll go off his head if I don’t get some bloody PEACE


Not far now

Coupla hours

Have a cup of coffee at the terminal

Might crack a load out tonight…need the brass

Gotta get lucky sometime

Give the missus a ring

Try and call in next trip.