Freedom tastes venomous
By Ellie *
Published 9 December 2021
Translated by Saba Vasefi
I close my eyes
dream all the pandemoniums
are just a nightmare.
but then, my lids open,
and the terror of reality
slams my face.
For nine years,
the teeth of incertitude
were in my mouth
my freedom
tastes venomous.
New season of my imprisonment
is authorized
my movement is freer
but still I
breathe in virulent air
and immersed
in the vortex of limbo.
My panic time
is tuned with
the Serco's censusing schedule
the sound of the officer's footsteps
piercing my nerves.
I wake up
and stroll towards the kitchen
to cut the orange
its sour scent destroys dizziness
but the kitchen is alien to me.
It is a peculiar sensation
to touch metal knives
my fingertip calluses
remind me of the camp
where I was infantilized
and only allowed
plastic knives.
I drink water
to revive my breath
go back to sleep
stare at the ceiling
again I'm swamped
in the quicksand of suspension
cages my insomnia.