
sing dance             performance

                                                       love       laughter’s chaos

           whimsy playing pathos

                                                                    errant         joyful     defiance

_____ adaptive chameleon



infuse desperate       to confuse

stubborn anger              bemuse

             passionflower diffuse

erratic           fear         obtuse

functional prognosis refuse



electroconvulsive       duress     

                 heaving       grieving       mess

                 dark       disabled       distress

                          attribution labelled

_____ flightless. delayed. tabled.


rhime madness rhythmic

out of fashion signs of thymes

f – r – a – g – m – e – n – t - re.store the          -          Fraggle          -          llliiiine



syncopate synthesise

_____                                                                                   score the climb


d  ss  l meaning blend

   i   o  vo e  

sound. silence. lend hues. 

shade to mend

clinical diagnostic rend

_____ from victim blame ascend


table delayed flight

label attributes disabled

dark   heaving mess

of ECT distress

_____ i shall grieve duress


  prescribe hope 

erratic diffuse obtuse passion

                                  bemuse                                                                                         adaptive lens

perform chameleon chaos

_____     Pathos plays The Whimsy


love’s laughter performs the dance

song resounds voice abounds

errant joy dares to chance

i was not once of art

_____                    but am art healing heart ο