Greg Sindel
Greg Sindel is a passionate and prolific graphic novelist. An ardent researcher, Greg is an expert on cult comic and horror film classics and is constantly sourcing new material from which to derive inspiration.
Greg has developed his storytelling craft since childhood , overcoming considerable learning difficulties to develop into a fluent wordsmith and illustrator.
Greg launched his first graphic novel at Kinokuniya Books in 2012. He is mentored by artist, Leigh Rigozzi and has collaborated with arts organisations, Erth Visual and Physical Inc. and Curiousworks.
In 2015 Greg was an exhibiting artist at Sydney Contemporary and again in 2018 as a solo off-site exhibition at Wedge Gallery. 2018 also saw Greg present his work at various libraries, spoken-word events and Spilt Milk Music Festival in Canberra.
In 2019 Greg’s graphic novel, ‘Horrendous Myths’, was accepted into the collection of The National Library of Australia.