Jacqui Malins is a performance poet and artist, based in Canberra. The lines between her writing, performance and visual art are increasingly difficult to distinguish. Her newest poetry/theatre performance ‘Words in Flight’ debuted at Woodford Folk Festival in December 2018.  Earlier in 2018 she presented and toured ‘Cavorting with Time’, a collaborative poetry performance with cellist Julia Horvath, and published her first collection (Cavorting with Time, a working script) with Recent Works Press.  Jacqui has been an Australian Poetry Slam finalist (2015), best walk-up poet at the Woodford Folk Festival (2015), a finalist in the Nimbin Performance Poetry World Cup (2017) and was a featured performer at the National Folk Festival, Unspoken Words Festival and Woodford Folk Festival in 2018. Jacqui is also the co-founder and organiser of Mother Tongue Multilingual Poetry events in Canberra.





Jacqui Malins reads 'To My Tent'