Jessica L. Wilkinson has published three poetic biographies, Marionette: A Biography of Miss Marion Davies (Vagabond 2012), shortlisted for the 2014 Kenneth Slessor Award, Suite for Percy Grainger (Vagabond 2014), a poem from which won the 2014 Peter Porter Poetry Prize, and Music Made Visible: A Biography of George Balanchine. In collaboration with composer Simon Charles, Marionette was developed into a performance work of voice, music and sound; they released an album in 2018. Jessica is the founding editor of Rabbit: a journal for nonfiction poetry—which will release its 30th issue in April—and the offshoot Rabbit Poets Series of single-author collections. She co-edited the anthology Contemporary Australian Feminist Poetry (Hunter Publishers, 2016), and teaches Creative Writing at RMIT University, Melbourne.


Jessica L. Wilkinson reads 'Transitional: 4 Perspectives'

Jessica L. Wilkinson reads 'Three Poems for Mme. Curie'