John Kinsella
John Kinsella’s most recent volumes of poetry are Drowning in Wheat: Selected Poems 1980-2015 (Picador, 2016), Open Door (UWAP, 2018), and Insomnia (WW Norton, 2020). His new memoir is Displaced: a rural life (Transit Lounge, 2020).
He is a Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge University, and Emeritus Professor of Literature and Environment at Curtin University, but most relevantly he is an anarchist vegan pacifist of over thirty-five years. He believes poetry is one of the most effective activist modes of expression and resistance we have. He often works in collaboration with other poets, writers, artists, musicians and activists.
John Kinsella wishes always to acknowledge the traditional and custodial owners of the lands he comes from and so often writes about – the Ballardong Noongar people, the Whadjuk Noongar people, and the Yamaji people.