~ Gundungurra interpretations provided by Trish Levett and Aunty Val Mulcahy




nga gamiri ngyini mundu
empty spaces
for gummuang words to fill
and stretch your guri
for the pialla and their voices
nga gamiri your
trembling limbs ache to shake
in tangara
and hear your lungs as they gasp yoongaba
nga feel your
body sans
and secret
and know that
it has been grown
with roots wrenched
from the daoure that cradled them
and nga taste the hunger
ngyini do
to know the parts of yourself
to feel yurwang
when your
Duwi has been taken




Little one,
I see you mouth empty spaces
for a mother’s words to fill
and stretch your ears
for the stories and their voices
I watch your trembling limbs
ache to shake
in dance
and hear your lungs
as they gasp with songs unknown
I feel your
body sans
and secret
and know that
it has been grown
with rots
from the earth
that cradled them
and I taste the hunger
you do
to know the parts of yourself
to feel at home
when your
Dreaming has been taken


Originally published in Kindred, 2019 (Magabala)