Michael Crane
Michael organised the first Poetry Slam in Australia in 1991 and since then has organised more than 150 Slams, one of which was presented at the 2000 Melbourne Writers Festival. Michael self-published three chapbooks from 1991 to 1994: The Book of Screams, An Almost Summer and Joan of Arc was a fire-eater. His work has appeared in several literary journals and newspapers.
In 1998, ten of Michael's poems appeared in the collection Loose Kangaroos which featured three other writers including Sandy Jeffs. Also that year, Michael's first collection of poetry The Lightmaster, was published by Phoebe Press. In 1999, Michael received a small grant from the Myer Foundation which enabled him to self-publish three booklets: The Book of Screams (reprised) 1, 2 & 3. He also released a CD of spoken word and musical accompaniment called Not Mad Just Raving. Michael has been interviewed on Radio National several times and appeared on the PoeticA Program on two occasions. In 1998 Michael was a featured poet on The ABC TV program Voices. Michael also performs musical poems with singer/songwriter Trish Anderson, formerly of the band Git. Michael and Trish have been selected to tour regional high schools in Victoria in 2010