Mitch McTaggart
Mitch has been involved in media production for 15 years. Starting off as an editor, he moved into producing educational videos, then directing TVCs. Alongside this was writing and producing television comedy for Channel 31, ABC (Headswapsies, 2017), and SBS/BINGE as the writer/producer of The Last Year of Television (2020-) and The Back Side of Television (2021-). He is also a composer, writing the theme music for his shows as well as original songs for live comedy (MICF, Melbourne Fringe).
Other appearances include Touched By An Angle Grinder (ABC, 2014) and independent horror film Cat Sick Blues (2015).
This is in addition to 5 years teaching the Film & TV course at Deakin University.
He also presented breakfast radio on Joy 94.9 (2016-18) but the early morning starts were unbearable.