Every Day
By MTC Cronin
Published 24 October 2021
You are the best material.
You are the invitation.
Everyone accepts.
If you want hospitals, mad-houses & war
you shall have them.
You can grow a beard, maybe you can.
Your body splits into two legs if it can.
The merchant screams if you give away your fruit.
The strategic plan of the cosmos
has a continuous improvement process
firmly in place in you.
You are the resurrection of all the dead.
When you live it is as yet.
The present is an horizon that will not be abandoned.
Every day is your closest approach.
'Every Day' was commissioned as part of a workshop series at West Moreton Anglican College, where Australian poet MTC Cronin introduced Year 8 students to The Cabinet of Lost and Found learning resource. While developing their own individual projects, students also collaborated on a finished cabinet, the final form of which was determined by the group.