Philip Salom
Philip Salom is a contemporary Australian poet and is now featured in our free app, The Disappearing. He has published fourteen books - twelve collections of poetry and two novels. His earlier book The Well Mouth, a collection of voices from the underworld, was a Sydney Morning Herald and an Adelaide Review Book of the Year. has won major national and international awards for his work and further acclaim through reviews and guest appearances/ reading tours/ residencies in the UK, USA, Canada, Italy, the former Yugoslavia, New Zealand, Singapore. He has been a poetry editor and reviewer and has delivered keynote speeches and lectures in Australia, Macedonia (the Struga International Poetry Festival), the US (at the Iowa International Writing Programme), Singapore, and New Zealand. His most recent publication is the book titled Alterworld (2015) by Puncher & Wattmann.
In 2004 he was awarded the Christopher Brennan prize, a lifetime award "for poetry of sustained quality and distinction". And in 2006/07 he was awarded the Australia Council's prestigious Writers Fellowship of $80,000.
Philip featured in The Red Room Company's 'New and Selected Summer Series'.
Listen to him read his poem, 'Polaroid'.