Pooja Mittal Biswas
Pooja Mittal Biswas is the author of ten books of fiction, poetry and non-fiction. Her ninth book, Hunger and Predation (Cordite Books, 2023), was shortlisted for the 2024 NSW Premier’s Literary Awards under the Kenneth Slessor Prize for Poetry and the 2024 South Australian Literary Awards under the John Bray Poetry Award. Her tenth book, The Maker of Garlands, was published by Vagabond Press in 2024 and was supported by grants from the Australia Council for the Arts and Create NSW. Pooja has been reviewed and interviewed in The Age, The Australian and ABC Radio National’s The Book Show, and has been anthologised in both The Best Australian Poems and The Best Australian Poetry. Pooja has written for Writer’s Digest and has been widely published in literary journals such as Meanjin, Overland, Cordite, TEXT, Hecate and Jacket. She has been invited to speak at a number of literary festivals.