Together We Can Walk That Mile
By Sean Choolburra
Published 13 August 2023
black man white world
black girl makes a stand
unpaid bills leads
to black out leaves
us powerless
timeless land timeless culture
is hourless
but it has taken a while
for blacks and whites to reconcile
together we can walk that mile
cause we are all -
from the same race
racism equals ragism
copyright to plagiarism
it doesn't matter, Parramatta
how can you say ALL LIVES MATTER!
unapproved occupants real estates
the modern day Captain Cooks
the crookes
but when you call them out
they play sooks
don't tell us we don't know
cause you read your history books -
tell us we were first as our dreamtime stories does
fourth, fifth generation
white daddy black mummy
means we all cuz
past relations are sour but united
we have more power
together we can walk that mile