by Keztril

She sits on crate in shower

and waits for someone to come home

She has had houses before

specially made castles….

whole rooms full of branches

outdoor mansions lovingly crafted

                                                       I wonder if she ponders a life of no flight


Big truck .. large flock….

small bird with no family left


And now?

there are humans

well meaning, love bearing and featherless


11 years ….

so many moves

so many adventures

perched on the top of a seat

                     window down

                            wings outstretched

                                       wind in feathers on head…

                                                        eyes closed…


                                            does she fly behind eyelids with her cousins?

                                                    As she screeches to the sunset are there memories?

I will build another castle little friend


written in response to exercise four