Stephen Oliver—Australasian poet and author of twenty-one volumes of poetry. Travelled extensively. Signed on with the radio ship The Voice of Peace 1540 kHz broadcasting in the Mediterranean out of Jaffa, Israel in the late 70s. Lived in Australia for 20 years. Currently living in NZ. He has published widely in international literary journals. Regular contributor of creative non-fiction and poems to Antipodes: A Global Journal of Australian/New Zealand Literature over the past 20 years under the editorship of Nicholas Birns.Poems translated into German, Spanish, Chinese, and Russian. Represented in the following: Writing To The Wire Anthology, edited by Dan Disney and Kit Kelen, University of Western Australia Publishing, 2016; The Australian Prose Poem Anthology, edited by edited by Cassandra Atherton and Paul Hetherington, Melbourne University Press (2020). Recently published poetry volumes: Heroides / 15 Sonnets, Puriri Press, Auckland 2020; The Song of Globule / 80 Sonnets, Greywacke Press, Canberra 2020.




Publications & Readings


The Great Transtasman Link: Ten Australian & NZ poets. Written & narrated by Stephen Oliver. Dur: 30 minutes. First broadcast on ABC Radio Helicon, April 29, Sunday 7:30PM, 1990. Original music: Mike Askill. Broadcast Quality.


Stephen Oliver Red Room Radio interview: Tuesday 13, 11.30am, November 2001