Stuart Barnes
Stuart Barnes is the author of Like to the Lark (Upswell Publishing, 2023), in which he reimagines the poetic form and fearlessly explores topics of illness, death, rape, remembrance, ecology, love and joy, and Glasshouses (UQP, 2016), which won the 2015 Arts Queensland Thomas Shapcott Poetry Prize, was commended for the 2016 Anne Elder Award and shortlisted for the 2017 Mary Gilmore Award. Stuart’s writing has been widely anthologised and published, including in The Anthology of Australian Prose Poetry, Best of Australian Poems 2022, The Montreal Poetry Prize Anthology 2020, The Moth and POETRY (Chicago). His ‘Sestina after B. Carlisle’ won the 2021/22 Gwen Harwood Poetry Prize. Stuart has co-judged major poetry prizes and guest co-edited issues of major literary journals. He lives and writes on Darumbal country, Rockhampton, and tweets as @StuartABarnes. www.stuartabarnes.com