Changing Tides
By Zachary Bennett-Brook
Published 23 April 2024

Zachary Bennett-Brook, Changing Tides, 2023
From a First Nations perspective poetry is not just written or spoken word, it is found in all creativity - song, dance, art, breath, Country and relationship.
Zachary Bennett-Brook's work is a visual poem on how he sees and feels Country, its meaning, shape, pattern and colour. It is a map of our connections to each other, to our kin and to Country, in this instance, Sea Country.
Zachary Says:
"This artwork is symbolic of the oceans tides and shows the movement of water flowing.
The design has a number of different elements throughout featuring both dot and line works. Within my work I use circular motifs often flowing out from a centre point. To me these, within my work, symbolise groupings of people with the larger of the dots and thicker lines representing our Elders and the smaller dots and thin lines for everyone else. Other sections of this work feature bold straight lines that within this work reflect the land around the water. These parts make up the design and are things often around bodies of water as the tides shift and change."