breakneck blue / bleached spray surging / crashing / shore is a landing place
/ for souls / stripped of their / …  / gulls in the light / bright orange / feet
fleeting / wings /  disappearing / into a blaze / thrumming a rhythm / not
dissimilar to / … / prisoners / … / see this / ? / sometimes / everything / is /
swell / … / 

~ from 'Tidal Currency' by Candy Royalle


Celebrated poet and Tamarama local, Candy Royalle explored her connection to the ocean and local beaches through the creation of new poetry.

Designed by Mel Feddersen and painted by Poncho Army, 'Tidal Currency' appeared on Bondi’s Sea Wall from August 2017 to February 2018. Visitors to Bondi have the chance to experience the poetry which glows in the dark like "gulls in the light".



About Poetic Moments

Poetic Moments elevates the visibility and accessibility of contemporary Australian poetry by publishing in unexpected places from trains to planes, street banners, murals and sculptural installations.

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