wind-stretched as she rides
the horse made of metaphor

~ from 'Cut-outs'' by Felicity Plunkett

Take your poetry unit to the next level with a poet-in-residence program or workshop. Professional poets unlock imaginations, guide creative writing activities and provide constructive feedback. We also offer digital workshops and can stream a poet into your classroom for an interactive experience.


Poetic Learning Workshop enrolments are currently closed. For all workshop enquiries for 2020 please email


Professional Development for teachers

Explore our NESA accredited Professional Development sessions 



“Wonderful! The students were from a wide range of ability levels and they all engaged with the poets and the activities. The quality of work produced was amazing and has flowed into the classroom… There was a real sense of artistic endeavour during the workshop. I would recommend this workshop: the use of the talismanic object made it concrete, personal and emotional.”

~ Suzanne Mealing, Teacher, Monte Sant’ Angelo College, NSW