Poetry Object - Inspire, Create, Publish!

Professional Development Workshop for Teachers (Poetry and Creative Writing) presented by The Red Room Company, led by educator Lilly Blue, and facilitated by ELB Education.

Our professional development workshop provides strategies for teachers to better engage students with poetry, creative writing and imaginative thinking. Our workshops are supported by learning materials, and teachers will leave with free teaching resources to support young people in the classroom.

Session Dates

4 August 2016
8.00 am - 9.00 am (1 hour)

8 August 2016
3.30 pm - 4.30 pm (1 hour)


Per person payment: $150
School group booking (up to 20 teachers in one sitting): $600

Register Here »


 Quick Links

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     Free Teaching Resources »
     Book a Poetry Object Workshop for students »
     Book Poetry Object Professional Development for teachers »
     Read about poet Scott Patrick-Mitchell's experience teaching a workshop »

About the Workshop

Our professional development workshop will allow teachers to reflect on their current teaching practice, with an opportunity to add value and update their learning strategies. Teachers will complete the workshop having: 

  • Engaged with contemporary research on creative in-class room learning, working with hard-to-engage students and discussed current literary trends.
  • Rigorously addressed any student learning difficulties within their faculty and peer-develop sensitive responses to improve student-learning outcomes.
  • Maintain their professional competence through our BOSTES endorsed workshop (for NSW). 

All teachers will receive a Certificate of Participation at the conclusion of the workshop. For NSW teachers, completing The Red Room Company's Professional Development Program contributes 1 hour of QTC Registered PD addressing 2.1.2 and 2.5.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. 

Curriculum Links

Year 3 (ACELA1475) (ACELT1596) (ACELT1598) (ACELT1600) (ACELY1676) (ACELY1678) (ACELY1679) (ACELT1791) (ACELY1792) (ACELY1683)

Year 4 (ACELT1602) (ACELT1603) (ACELT1605) (ACELT1606) (ACELT1607) (ACELT1606) (ACELY1690) (ACELY1695)

Year 5 (ACELA1512) (ACELT1608) (ACELT1610) (ACELT1611) (ACELY1704) (ACELY1705) (ACELT1798)

Year 6 (ACELA1518) (ACELA1520) (ACELT1614) (ACELT1615) (ACELT1617) (ACELT1618) (ACELY1714)(ACELT1617) (ACELT1618) (ACELA1523) (ACELA1525) (ACELT1618) (ACELY1714) (ACELY1715) (ACELT1800) (ACELY1717)

Year 7 (ACELT1625) (ACELT1803) (ACELT1805) (ACELY1725) (ACELY1726) (ACELY1728)

Year 8 (ACELA1542) (ACELA1547) (ACELY1810) (ACELT1768) (ACELT1630) (ACELY1738) (ACELY1810) (ACELY1738)

Year 9 (ACELA1553) (ACELA1770) (ACELA1557) (ACELT1637) (ACELT1773) (ACELY1747) (ACELY1748)

Year 10 (ACELT1644) (ACELY1753) (ACELT1814) (ACELT1815) (ACELY1757)

Additional Information

Once registered, The Red Room Company will send through supporting resources and instructions for the workshop. This event requires teachers to bring in a special object to write about.

For more information, contact The Red Room Company:
Email: education@redroomcompany.org
Phone (02) 9319 5090