my body is crucifix now
and though rigid against the clay
only my handprint remains

~ from 'Second Valley' by Ali Cobby Eckermann, Red Room Poetry Fellow 2017


Red Room Poetry has announced internationally acclaimed poet and performer Candy Royalle as the 2018 recipient of the Red Room Poetry Fellowship from a shortlist of poets.


For judging notes and Candy's statement, view the full announcement


The Red Room Poetry Fellowship recognises the achievements and artistic goals of contemporary Australian poets. Now in its second year, the Fellowship was established to foster poetic and professional development of an individual within the wider poetic community, encouraging poets to undertake an intensive period of creative development involving a range of commissions, residency, recordings and publication outcomes.

Applications are open only to poets previously commissioned by Red Room Poetry. There is no cost to apply.

View the current Fellowship


Selection panel

We are pleased to announce the 2018 Red Room Poetry Fellowship selection panel


2018 Shortlist

Due to the high quality of submissions, shortlisted poets were offered a commission opportunity from Red Room Poetry, written in the theme of their proposed project for the Fellowship.

View the commissioned poems


Find out more


While this Fellowship is currently only open to previously commissioned Red Room Poets, we're always looking for new voices for upcoming poetic projects. If you're interested in a Red Room Poetry commission, please email contact@redroomcompany with a copy of your CV, a suite of your best poems, as well as the kind of projects in which you are interested.


Poems | Comedown