And the body in the smashed light marches
out onto the field alone.
It finds no war, and all its peace is done.

         ~ from 'Cancer verses' by LK Holt

The Red Room Poetry Fellowship recognises the achievements and artistic goals of contemporary Australian poets. Now in its second year, the Fellowship was established to foster poetic and professional development of an individual within the wider poetic community, encouraging poets to undertake an intensive period of creative development involving a range of commissions, residency, recordings and publication outcomes.

“The diversity of form shown in this shortlist is a great representation of Australian poetry and what the Red Room Fellowship is doing to support poets across styles, cultures and career stages. Some of Australia’s most experimental, engaging and hardworking poets are listed here and each of them is defining poetry on their own terms.”

~ Fellowship selection panel

Due to the high quality of submissions, shortlisted poets were offered a commission opportunity from Red Room Poetry, written in the theme of their proposed project for the Fellowship.