The Red Room Poetry Fellowship 2020 recognises the achievements and artistic goals of contemporary Australian poets. Now in its fourth year, the Fellowship was established to foster poetic and professional development of an individual within the wider poetic community, encouraging poets to undertake an intensive period of creative development involving a range of commissions, residency, recordings and publication outcomes. 

Applications are open only to poets previously commissioned by Red Room Poetry. There is no cost to apply. 


The Fellow 2020

With immense pleasure, we announce Michelle Cahill as the Red Room Poetry Fellow for 2020. 

Michelle's Fellowship project is a poetic reflection and resistance to the impact of colonialism, species hierarchy and climate emergencies following the Australian bush fires and extending her work within Extinction Elegies.

Read Michelle's statement 


The Shortlisted Poets 2020

We warmly welcome and congratulate this year's Shortlisted Poets:

  • Gloria Demillo
  • Luke Fischer
  • Toby Fitch
  • Zenobia Frost
  • Jill Jones
  • Scott-Patrick Mitchell
  • Nicole Smede
  • Mark Tredinnick
  • Jessica L Wilkinson

Meet the Shortlisted Poets
Read the Judging Notes



This year's judges are Judith BeveridgeNatalie Harkin and Nicholas Jose.


The 2020 Fellow will receive

  • $5000 poetic stipend “no strings”
  • $1000 commission to create a suite of poems inspired by an existing Red Room Poetry project
  • A two-week residency at Bundanon Trust (Wednesday 26 August – Wednesday 16 September 2020)
  • Travel assistance
  • Paid professional employment (delivering three poetic workshops)
  • Opportunity to present a public address during the year-long Fellowship

It is expected that the Fellow will complete all activities within 12 months of the announcement of the Fellowship unless otherwise agreed. Applications are open exclusively to poets previously commissioned by Red Room Poetry. 


Discover past years

While this Fellowship is currently only open to previously commissioned Red Room Poets, we're always looking for new voices for upcoming poetic projects. If you're interested in a Red Room Poetry commission, email with a copy of your CV, a suite of your best poems, as well as the kind of projects in which you are interested.