This cloth, a dirty pink, threadbare:
ropes of terry-white stripe its breadth
like the cane-marks across my calves

~ excerpt from 'Face-washer' by Eileen Chong

Red Room Poetry's learning resources are developed in consultation with professional poets and educators to enrich cross-curriculum outcomes and learning across a range of classroom contexts.


HSC English Resource: Ali Cobby Eckermann's Inside my Mother

For HSC English Stage 6: Prescriptions, Module A: Language, Identity and Culture

Six of Ali Cobby Eckermann's poems from the collection Inside my Mother (Giramondo Publishing) have been set for study on the current HSC English curriculum. These poems are ‘Trance’, ‘Unearth’, ‘Oombulgarri’, ‘Eyes’,  ‘Leaves’ and ‘Key’. We created this series of video resources to deepen understanding of Ali's work.

Explore our Ali Cobby Eckermann resources



Poems to Share II

Created in partnership with the Australian Association for the Teaching of English (AATE), Poems to Share II are print and digital resources including 40 poetic activity cards and learning sequences to spark creativity in the classroom. The linked digital resource supports educators to enrich poetic engagement, language exploration and imaginative thinking, with alignment to curriculum outcomes. 

Get your copy




Poetry Object

Poetry Object is Australasia’s largest free poetry-writing competition for young people and their teachers, with over $10,000 in prizes to be won! Poetry Object ignites imaginations by inviting submissions of poems inspired by treasured, curious or talismanic objects.

Explore all Poetry Object learning resources




Poetic Devices – ClickView animations and activities

We collaborated with ClickView to create a series of animated clips and free resources exploring alliteration, imagery, metaphor, onomatopoeia, personification and simile. Inspired by Poetry Object, these resources support Years 3-6 curriculum outcomes.

Explore the series




Poetry Object Digital Workshop – Poetic Devices (YR K–2)

Led by Kirli Saunders, students in Years K-2 will sharpen skills in creative writing by developing a range of poetic techniques including alliteration, imagery, metaphor, personification, onomatopoeia and simile. Delivered by Red Room Poetry via DART Connections, in partnership with NSW Department of Education.

Watch the free workshop



Poetry Object Digital Workshop – Poetic Devices (YR 3–6)

Students in Years 3–6 join award-winning Gunai author and poet, Kirli Saunders for this inspiring digital workshop on six poetic devices (alliteration, imagery, metaphor, personification, onomatopoeia and simile). Develop your writing skills and create poetry to enter the Poetry Object competition. Delivered by Red Room Poetry via DART Connections, in partnership with NSW Department of Education.

Watch the free workshop



Speaking and Listening from the Heart – Digital Workshop

In June 2019, Reconciliation NSW, in collaboration with Red Room Poetry, hosted this engaging online creative writing workshop for students. Presented by internationally-published, Gunai poet and author Kirli Saunders and best-selling children's author, Yvette Poshoglian, this workshop supported students to create an entry for the 2019 Schools Reconciliation Challenge, while exploring Indigenous languages, connection to Country through story-telling, the Dreaming and visual poetry.

Watch the workshop



First Languages, Education and Reconciliation – Webinar

In collaboration with Reconciliation Australia, and marking the International Year of Indigenous Languages, this NESA-accredited webinar provides an introduction to First Languages in Australia and explores the important interrelationship between First Languages revitalisation and reconciliation. Red Room Poetry's Kirli Saunders joins Narragunnawali's Stephanie Woerde to share practical insights and inspiration from Poetry in First Languages, which supports students in creating poetry by connecting them to First Nations poets, Elders and Language Custodians on Country.

Register to access the free webinar



Preparing & Evaluating Culturally Responsive Language Resources – Webinar

Guest webinar co-host, Gunai author, poet and educator, Kirli Saunders, joins Narragunnawali’s Stephanie Woerde to discuss key questions and considerations pertaining to the preparation and evaluation of culturally responsive First Languages resources/activities. 

Register to access the free webinar




Candy Royalle: Poet, Lover, Warrior, Creator

Esteemed poet and activist Candy Royalle was Red Room Poetry's 2018 Fellow. Along with Candy’s family and friends, we've created a film capturing her enduring personal and poetic legacy, and celebrating the launch of her book a trillion tiny awakenings (UWAP 2018).

Candy shaped and delivered many Poetic Learning workshops, especially sessions on Poetry for Change. Her voice will continue through many projects to come.

Watch the video and read Candy's poems



Poetic Techniques

This index of poetic techniques explores literary techniques and how they can appear in poetry, using the example of Oodgeroo Noonuccal's poem 'Municipal Gum'.

Explore poetic techniques


Poetic Learning

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