Sometimes they put you in seas
or rivers without telling you.

Jill Jones from ‘The Slide’ 

In 2011, The Red Room Company was approached by Dr Thomas Wohlfahrt of the Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, to become the Australian partner for their international platform, which features the work of over 1000 poets from across the globe, in original and in translation, in text and audio. The Red Room Company, as the Australian partner, is bringing Australian poets to new audiences, as well as commissioning translations into English.

We are growing...

Over three years we published and promoted 87 poems by 15 Australian poets. Of these, a number have already been translated into German, French and Chinese, with more translations to come. We have also commissioned 15 Australian poets to translate 80 poems from German, French, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Indonesian, Swedish, Russian, and Chinese. 

Along with the audio recordings of the poems and the translations, we also recorded interviews with poets, which are available to listen to online. In the next few years, we hope to grow this project and take Australian poets overseas, to major festivals in Berlin, Rotterdam and beyond.

We’re extremely proud of this project that celebrates the cultural and linguistic diversity of Australian poetry and enriches dialogues between global literatures. 

“Great periods of poetic activity have always been great periods of poetry translation.” ~ Lyrikline poet, Peter Boyle

Poems | Listening to Michael Jackson in Tehran | Robespierre | We | Your Terrorist | Merri Creek | Evening Star | Beer Garden (Chinese) | DREAMS AND ARTEFACTS | A DESCRIPTION OF THE STORM GLASS AND BRIEF GUIDE TO ITS USE IN FORECASTING WEATHER | THE TRIUMPHS OF CAESAR | THE HOTEL HYPERION | ROOM AND BELL | A CRYSTAL PALACE GUIDE | The Joys of Mathematics | In the Small Hours | Why the Minotaur is Always Sad | Towns in the Great Desert (11) | Two Poems by Irene Philologos | The tree’s ambition | The Banker who owns the stars | In the Small Hours (Chinese) | Towns in the Great Desert (Chinese) | Rilke Renditions: 1 | Rilke Renditions: IV | Rilke Renditions: II | Rilke Renditions: III | Rilke Renditions: V | Tramps Like Us | White-Tailed Deer | Cloud | The Past | "Thoughts spoken out loud..." | Two Part Variations | White Flowers | A Portable Crush | Mondrian Green | Why are there so many poems about goldfish? | Blandishments | Plagiarism Dreams | The Satisfaction of Speech | He Extrapolates (Chinese) | Cold war | Freedom a la Chinoise | Doom | Losing battle | The Square Mountain | Colour Strips | Cold front | Feed the orchid | Placeville | Scenes | Postcards 1-6 | Through a Glass Lightly | Two Poems from the Correspondence | Authentic Nature | Concrete Poem | Love of the Loveless | Time machine | Run away with you? Gladly! | From March –79 | Chinese Journey 10 | My Little Chaos | Rugged up winter scene | In Paris they are singing | The quenine of p | The towers of Notre-Dame | Walker of dead streets | Chinese Journey 18 | No one for themselves, everyone for no one | Nature Poem | Disposed Of | VISITING THE ELDER STATESMAN | A Clown | Knives | The Blades of Marriage | Sinta’s Elegy | The Radio I Switched Off | The Marriage Diary | The Lorena Letters | A Dish | It was your mouth | The Mulberry Grove | Things that happen | Withdraw your sky and your wall | APPRENTICE WANTED | A Wish | evening news | Midnight | How Do You Write a Magical Poem? | The Sinking of the Titanic Twelfth Canto | The Sinking of the Titanic First Canto | Time is precious, I know | Mother says that it’s a memory | On how long-term weightlessness affects living creatures | The Party | I am writing you because | For Damascus | The New Ten Commandments | The Silent Procession | An Observation during the Exchange of Functional Elites | The somnambulant Ear | A Poem for the Master who quenches steel with water | Inside the poems | Horror Tuesday | Night Bird | Baroque | Countries longing for their inhabitants | For Pasolini | One lunch in the village doesn't make a poem yet | Under the foreign rain, fragment XVIII | The Fearful Bird | I Know How to be in Love | Five Minutes | Coffee Reading for the Month of September | The Spider in the Holiday House Motel | It's quiet, as in time of war. | O the childish fear of loss | One shouldn't look, but I do | Chinese Journey 2 | Beautiful Mother | Creatures | ' | ode ode | burrito weather | what goes around | breakfasts | like kaf- | Afternoon Grey In | My Ruined Lyrics | Wave | The Slide | The Beautiful Anxiety | Non-Pain In Rain | Saints Are Homeless | 1967 Encouraged The Right Vote Now? | Vote No - Ho? | Sort of Sorry | The Anti-travel Travel Poem | Pol Pot in Paris | On the Chemin de Fer | I Smell Buffalo in Cambodia | Fable