branches for warrangan
time lives in these trees
diramu tree

~ Lorna Munro from 'Muru nanga mai (Dreaming Track)'

Created by Red Room Poetry, New Shoots celebrates and cultivates poems inspired by plants and place to deepen our creative and cultural connections with nature. 

Red Room Poetry in collaboration with Sydney Olympic Park, commissioned poet Lorna Munro to create 'Muru nanga mai', a poem featuring language and Bulima Spirit Land D'harawal interpretations by Shannon Foster. With support from UTS, the poem is now etched into the Badu Mangroves boardwalk as part of Red Room Poetry's 
Poetic Moments project.

Stroll the winding boardwalk in Bicentennial Park and you’ll discover poetry, saltmarsh and surviving riverside wetlands that shelter colourful waterbirds plus the largest mangrove forest remaining on the Parramatta River.