Meanwhile the streets lie choked
by fumes and pollution as we breathe
tight tokes of the deep white smoke.

~ from 'City Boy' by Mantra

OutLoud is a spoken word poetry slam competition run by Australian Poetry in partnership with the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Red Room Poetry and national young writers’ organisation, Express Media.

Stemming from Red Room Poetry's New Shoots project, OutLoud encourages primary and secondary students to create poems inspired by the new theme of environmental sustainability, and then battle it out in a state-wide school poetry slam competition! 

Held as part of Melbourne Writers Festival, OutLoud is founded and headed by Creative Director and poet Emilie Zoey Baker, and funded by the City of Melbourne Arts Projects Grants 2019.


How it works

Schools can enter teams of up to four students who create, rehearse and then perform an original slam poem. OutLoud primary finalists appear at the Melbourne Writers Festival!

Professional judging and inspired mentoring, by Baker and other leading slam-poet-teachers, have made the program an enormous success in its history to date.

Learn more at Australian Poetry. 


2019 Program

2018 Program

Positive impact

“When you give teenagers a microphone, amazing things happen, people drop everything and listen. They have so much to say...Their words are important, their passion is infectious and their power is indescribable.”  

~ Emilie Zoey Baker, poet and performer, Creative Director of OutLoud


'My poetic adventures have just begun and I hope to continue influencing others through my words and enabling them to find deeper meanings and purposes to their own lives and dreams.'

~ Akegma, 2018 Eco!Slam winner, St Albans Secondary College, Year 10