Important note: Our PIFL programs are taught on Country with Community. To keep our Elders, Custodians and future Elders safe, and to align with current requirements, we have postponed in-person workshops. We're moving instead, towards digital delivery and online professional development. We look forward to presenting in-person workshops with you again soon.


In partnership with Wingecarribee Shire Council, and NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Red Room Poetry’s Poetry in First Languages (PIFL) South East project on Gundungurra Country provides First Nations students Southern Highlands Schools the opportunity to learn to celebrate Gundungurra Country, Culture and Language. 

PIFL workshops will commence with On Country days, which support the engagement of First Nations students with their local First Nations communities, allowing them to contribute to caring for the land by becoming involved in a local project, such as Glossies in The Mist.

In addition to learning about conservation, First Nations students will participate in workshops on bush medicine, fire for land management, traditional dance, culture and language led by Local Elders and Custodians, Aunty Sharyn Halls, Aunty Trish Levett, Jacob Morris, Kirli Saunders and Melissa Wiya.
Following PIFL workshops on Country, Aunty Trish Levett will accompany Gundungurra raised, Gunai poet, Kirli Saunders to support students to create poetry and art incorporating Gundungurra language. Poems explore the land, threatened species and significance of Country to Community.

Poetry from these workshops will be published within Community and beyond, in unusual and highly visible ways as well as performed to raise awareness of language and conservation programs like Glossies in The Mist.