How can you make something from nothing?
A palace from a stone?
A body from a bone?

from 'The Trunk' by Katerina, Year 10, Meriden 

What is Red Room Poetry Object?

Red Room Poetry Object is a poetry writing competition inviting young writers and their teachers from across Australia and New Zealand to submit poems about 'talismanic' objects that are special to them. Red Room Poetry Object is open to students in grades 3-10 and their teachers. In 2015, Red Room Poetry Object linked over 160 school communities and published 2560 student and teacher poems. 

Read the 2016 submissions »


Poetry Object 2016 Winners and Highly Commended

In its most exciting year yet, Red Room Poetry Object has enlivened the imaginations of teachers and students across Australia and beyond. With 172 Australasian school communities engaged and over 3000 poems received, Poetry Object 2016 has soared above our expectations. Students and teachers have written both heartfelt and humorous poems about their dearest objects - from dragon teapots and Hawaiian dresses to bird whistles and precious stones. Jill Jones has included notes on each of the poems, which are now available:

Meet the Winners and Highly Commended »

Discover the Poetry Object Learning Resource 2016 


Commissioned Poets

Red Room commissioned six contemporary Australian poets to compose poems in response to their own talismanic objects. These new works are integrated into the creative learning resources and are explored in workshops as entry points to conceptual understandings and creative practice.

Red Room Poetry Object 2016 was judged by celebrated poet, Jill Jones. 

Read her judging notes »


Prizes and Awards

Certificates of Achievement are awarded to all participants. Prizes are awarded for Best Student Poem (Primary), Best Student Poem (Secondary), Best Teacher Poem, and Best School Installation. Full prize details »

Red Room Poetry Object Exhibition

All commissioned and winning poems were exhibited at Big Fat Smile Gallery in Wollongong. The exhibition launched on Thursday 17 November 2016 with the announcement of the winning and highly commended poems.

View details and maps » 


Poetry Object on Sydney Trains

Excerpts from winning and commended poems will be exhibited on posters in Sydney's trains, as part of a new Red Room poetic arts project that gives voice to young writers by publishing poetry in unexpected places.


Contact Us

To book a poetry workshop or to find out more about Poetry Object contact or phone (02) 9319 5090. 


Helpful Poetic Learning links

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          Book a Poetry Object Workshop for students »
          Book Poetry Object Professional Development for teachers »
Submit Poetry Object Poems »
          Prizes and Awards
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