I am the keeper of a fever
that shimmers inside of me.

~ from ‘City of Dots’, Winning Primary Poem
Mim, Year 4, Bundanoon Public School, NSW


Poetry Object 2017 Winners & Highly Commended

Thank you to all of our poets who generously shared their special objects across classrooms, cultures and languages. From the incredible outpouring of 3,412 poems, celebrated poet Mark Tredinnick had the difficult task of selecting three winning poems and the best school installation. We’re delighted to announce the winning and highly commended poems of Poetry Object 2017In collaboration with Regional Express (REX) Airlines, we've also celebrated the voices of regional and remote students with our special REX Primary and Secondary categories.

View the Winning and Highly Commended poems with judging notes


Poetry Object Digital Exhibition

In partnership with Val Morgan, Red Room Poetry featured winning poems in selected cinemas across Australia from 21 December 2017 to 10 January 2018. 

Watch the digital exhibition


Quick Links: 
          Pre-register for Poetry Object 2018
          Download the free Poetry Object 2017 Learning Resource

          Book a Poetry Object 2018 Workshop for students
          Book Poetry Object 2018 Professional Development for teachers
          Poetic Learning Newsletter - subscribe here


About Red Room Poetry Object 

Red Room Poetry Object is a free poetry writing competition inviting young writers and their teachers to submit poems about special and curious objects. It is open to students in Years 3-10 and teachers from Australia and New Zealand. In 2017, Poetry Object published over 3400 student and teacher poems from over 190 school communities.


Poetic Learning Resources

Our Poetry Object 2017 creative learning resource features commissioned poems and poetic activities from emerging and established poets across Australia. These imaginative works introduce young writers and teachers to the limitless possibilities of language as they dive into the worlds of their special objects.

The Poetry Object 2017 commissioned poets are Evelyn Araluen Corr (NSW) Joel McKerrow (VIC)Anna Jacobson (QLD)Jeremy Balius (WA)Cameron Hindrum (TAS)Manal Younus (SA)

Download the free Poetry Object 2017 Learning Resource 


Digital Exhibition: Animation

First place Poetry Object poems have been featured in animations, which were screened online and in cinemas!
Watch our short animations of 2018 and 2017 winning poems.


Prizes & Judging

Poetry Object 2017 entries were judged by celebrated poet, essayist and writing teacher Mark TredinnickRead his judging notes here » 

Certificates of achievement are awarded to all participants, with prizes awarded for Winning Student Poem (Primary), Winning Student Poem (Secondary), Winning Teacher Poem, and Winning School Installation. Special prizes are also awarded to the winning Primary and Secondary poems from Regional Express Airlines destinations. 



For workshop and other enquiries, email poetryobject@redroomcompany.org or phone 02 9319 5090. 


Partners & Supporters



Red Room Poetic Learning is proudly supported by the Graeme Wood Foundation, Geoff Ainsworth AM and Johanna Featherstone, Copyright Agency, and generous individuals. 
See all supporters and partners. Join us on the journey.